Sunday, 9 November 2008


The 28th violent murder of a teenager in the UK happened last night. I heard the gut-wrenching news this morning and it brought tears to my eyes thinking about yet another family torn apart by violence. I have two 16 year-olds living with me - my eldest daughter and my stepson. We are worried every time they step out of the house. So maybe it won't surprise you that the two of them were at a self defence course today on how to deal with a knife attack. A sad indictment on modern life. But you have to deal with it, so tonight my stepson is going to a concert at the fantastic O2 arena and then staying over at a friend's place. Another late night waiting for him to check-in after the concert.

After the course, the four of us had a great lunch at a restaurant called The Big Easy in London. I love ribs and this is one of my favourite places. I don't get there often enough.

And for the piece de resistance, it's NFL for the rest of the day. My team, the Cowboys have the week off, and man do they need it. So I can sit back, enjoy the games and not get too stressed ...

Except for waiting for that call to say my stepson is back at his friend's place. That's real.

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