Sunday, 28 June 2009

At this rate, the blog looks more like a semi-annual event than any kind of an update. Four months since the last update - so what's been going on?

I have continued to develop my consulting business, trying to established a brand name for my practice. I've discovered, as no doubt many before me have, that being a one man band presents a difficult challenge. While you are marketing your product you can't be doing any assignments, and while doing, you aren't marketing. The leads to peaks and troughs from an income point of view. There are a number of projects that I have been working on, others that I have been asked to look at, and a few that I think will have value, but are my own ideas. Way too much for me to deal with on my own, and as a result there hasn't been enough progress on any of them.


So how have I dealt with the situation?
1. Stopped talking about my ideas with other people until I am ready to convert them into reality. I have a recent example. I have been trying to get something off the ground since December and one firm that is a friendly competitor that I had mentioned it to, took the idea and executed. Initially I was upset, then I realised that it was a good idea and if I'm not going to get it done, someone else will.
2. Explored a way of increasing my ability to deliver on projects. I am not in a position to take on permanent staff, so I have formed alliances with a number of people that are in my industry, but looking for work. I have partnered up with them on specific projects. They are doing the core work on the projects, but I am setting the direction, monitoring the progress, and will ensure that the final project meets the quality standards I expect.
3. Tried to find the infrastructure. I am in the legal due diligence stage of purchasing a company that has people and premises. Most importantly, it is a neglected company with an established brand name. The current owner wants the company to continue and is being very reasonable about the terms. When acquired next month, it will give me a productivity boost and won't be a financial drain.

All of this is coalescing into an action plan and environment that will provide a platform for me to take the business forward. Eight months down the road, and it has been a long, tough slog - but looks worth it!

Friday, 27 February 2009

Missing for two months!

Hey, sorry it's been so long. I have had so much going on that I haven't really had time yet this year.

I set up my consulting company in December. I started marketing my services in January. One of the things they tell you about looking for a job is that you try to let everyone you have ever met know about what you are doing. Who am I to argue.

By the first week of February there still wasn't anything happening, and I have to admit I was starting to feel more than a bit nervous.

I reconnected with an old contact that has been running her own consulting firm for several years. It was just to say hi and let her know what I was doing.
A week later and out of the blue she called me up with an opportunity. A former colleague of hers referred a bank to her. She wanted my help as I have had more recent and direct experience of the issue. A proposal followed and I feel good about it.

I had met in December with an old colleague who I have worked with several times at different companies. He asked me if I was interested in doing training work. I had always expected this to be part of my arsenal of products, so I said yes. He reminded me about the occasional training that he did for a specialist education company. He was too busy to carry on with the work, so put me in touch with the company. They were interested and I have my first assignment from them in a couple of weeks. Then he reminded me he was just returning the favour ... I had connected him to the trainers many years ago.

I was walking down the street in the City and ran into another former co-worker. He was just coming out of an office building and running to a plane. He asked what I was doing and said he was thinking of calling me. Sure he was ... but you never know. Well, he did and if he gets the contract from his prospect, he will be outsourcing part of it to me as it is more my area of expertise.

Finally, I was invited for a sneak preview of new product features for one of the leading vendors in our business. In the end, they asked me to do a video review of the product enhancements. While I was there, I had a chat with a couple of others in the company. Turns out they may have some overflow work that I can help them with.

So March looks like it will have at least one payday. First one since the end of October. Not much, but it's a start and things are heading in the right direction and I am feeling a lot more confident. I have been getting up at normal times every day as if I was going into the City to a job. I work a full day, and because there isn't any travelling time, I often work as many or more hours than I have in the past.

Anyway, the advice I can give to anyone who is looking for work is to use your connections and keep plugging away.

Lots of stuff happening with the kids, but that's a story for another day. But not two months from now.